
Quotes on Meditation

"Don't feel too badly if you find yourself too restless to meditate deeply. Calmness will come in time, if you practice regularly. Just never accept the thought that meditation is not for you. Remember, calmness is your eternal, true nature."
Paramhansa Yogananda


"Be still and know that I am God."
46th Psalm, verse 10


"Your posture during meditation is important....Deep meditation is only possible in the intensively positive state of superconsciousness, or soul-awareness.

"To attain this state of consciousness, it is important to sit upright with a straight spine."
Swami Kriyananda


"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the Spirit lies its greatest joy. If, then you experience mental resistance during meditation, remember that reluctance to meditate comes from the ego; it doesn't belong to the soul."
Paramhansa Yogananda


"Sequestered should he sit, steadfastly meditating, solitary, His thoughts controlled, his passions laid away, Quit of belongings, in a fair, still spot..."
Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, Chapter Six


“Thus meditating you will no longer strive to build yourself up in your prejudices, but, forgetting self, you will remember only that you are seeking the Truth.”
James Allen, New Zealander Statesman, Minister of defense (1912-20)