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Aromatherapy Pillars
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Pilgrim Bench
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Ahimsa Silk Shawl - Natural
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Alder Hardwood Folding Bench
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A Place of Stillness Blog

What Are You Seeking?
Not too long ago I was in Anaheim to speak at the Anaheim Mindfulness Expo. We’ve been taking the business on the road recently. We sell the meditation products in a booth and then I’ll offer a talk t...READ MORE

What makes a good Zafu?
A Zafu is a circular meditation cushion that helps the meditator maintain a good posture during their meditation practices. But there are many different types of zafus available, so the question th...READ MORE

Living in the Present Moment
Living in the present moment is probably one of the most challenging attitudes for human beings to learn. Why is it so? Well, because we just don’t know how to! We live so conditioned by our past expe...READ MORE